Knowledge database
Bulk items
- Rental Equipment that is handled in quantities, such as scaffolding, fences, tents, furniture, etc. This type of equipment is defined as Items.
Unique units (objects)
Rental Equipment that can be identified uniquely, through serial numbers or equipment numbers. This type of equipment is defined as Objects, and has three levels:
- Object Group
- Object Type
- Object
Additionally, Objects may be sub-categorized in Manufacturers Model (model and make)
Rental Kits
Rental Kits are “Bill-of-Material” that can be setup with Items and Object Types. These Rental Kits are used as templates, and can be modified at the contract line level.
Availability Calendars
Use the Availability Calendars to plan activities/rentals and get an overview of the status of the different equipment at the different dates. From the Availability Calendars, you can open the Rental Contract or create a new Rental Contract for the specified date. Three different availability calendars are available:
- Object Type Availability
- Object Availability
- Bulk Item Availability
Fast On-Rent and Off-Rent Processes
The process of creating new Rental Contracts can follow a “quick-entry” process or can also follow a more formal process, including starting from a Rental Quote and go through dispatching the equipment from the warehouse, and returning all equipment in one window. The process selected may also be dependent on the different rental cases, e.g.
- Quick-entry for customers coming to the locations to start the contract and pick-up the equipment
- The formal process to plan the picking, shipping and collection of the equipment
Quote to Contract in one click
You can create Rental Quotes, where you can choose to reserve the equipment for the customer. A Rental Quote may be created with different Quote Types, making it possible to Archive and reuse the different quote types as the customer chooses. From the Rental Quote, a Rental Contract is created by clicking one button.
The Rental Quotes are setup with different quote statuses, Quote Expiration Date (with option to archive expired quotes) and its possible to Measure won against lost quotes.
Copy Contract Capabilities
It is easy to copy a Rental Contract or a Rental Quote to a new Rental Contract or a new Rental Quote. In this way, you will be able to copy previous contracts/quotes from on customer to another customer, or you can copy a contract if a customer wants a similar contract as the customer has had before.
Exchange/switch objects in a contract
If a Rental Object is broken or for some reason a Rental Object must be exchanged with another object, you can exchange/switch the object with another object. The object that replaces the original object will follow the price structure of the original object (e.g. if stair pricing is applied).
Re-Rent capabilities
The solution allows you to use Re-Rent Objects, where the cost and the income is assigned to the Re-Rent unit, allowing you to make sure that you are making money re-rents in general and on the transaction specifically.
Rental Contract Statistics
From the Rental Contract, you are able to see full statistics for the contract. You can see the rental and sales income so far, the estimated values for the next invoice, the next month and the next three months. Additionally, you can also see costs that are assigned from purchase invoices (e.g. transportation costs and other services). The Rental Contract Statistics provides a “Score Card” for the Rental Contracts.
Rental Insurance Charges
Rental Insurance Charges are based on a percentage of the rental income for the equipment. The charges are based on the net or gross rental charges. It is possible to define the different equipment that shall be part of the Rental Insurance Charges.
Combine Rental Invoices from multiple Rental Contracts
It is possible to setup customers with “Combined Invoices”, which means that customers that have several contracts can receive one invoice per Customer, Bill-to Customer (e.g. Head Office) or Customer Projects.
Functional Tests (initiated at deliveries, returns or manually)
You can define Functional Tests at the Object Type level, and these can be defined as mandatory at returns and/or deliveries. From the Functional Test, you can “Green-tag” the unit or you can create a Workshop Order to repair the Object. The costs from the repair can be charged to the customer or the cost may be assigned internally.
Planned Services, Maintenance and Certifications (Service Schedules)
You can set up planned/scheduled services, based on a counter on the units (there are two possible counters), on dates or on a combination of the two counters or combination of one counter and a date. It can also be what happens first out of e.g. 1 000 hours or 10 000 kilometers/3 months.
“Ad-hoc” Services
Workshop Orders/Services can be created “on the fly”, e.g. if equipment has been deemed as needing repair or general maintenance. These services may also be scheduled in the Availability Calendars, making the units non-available for rental. You will also be able to either charge this repair internally or you can charge the customer that had the unit last (found from the object’s rental history).